Luminous Infusions

Luminous Infusions is a practical guide to support you to challenge out-dated, limiting ways of thinking and spark fresh new perspectives.

Do you feel stuck, limited, or unsatisfied in your relationships, creativity, or spiritual growth? Do you want to create change, but don’t know where to start? The wisdom, photos, and inquiry practices in Luminous Infusions will inspire you to open your heart, discover and clarify your own deeper truths, and access new empowering possibilities.

Enjoy your inner exploration!

What people are saying about Luminous Infusions . . .

Bite sized morsels of wisdom! I shipped a copy to my daughter, who just returned to Hawaii for her last school semester. She struggles with being away from her peeps, so I thought your little book would be a welcomed source of guidance. In the last couple of years she’s experienced the usual breakthrough-breakdown phenomenon that happens for young people when they begin to awaken to higher dimensions of themselves. My daughter shared she uses the book for morning contemplations that set her into a mindset of receptivity, gratitude, and hopefulness. It’s become a cherished reader for her during this important transitional time in her life. Great book!
~ K.A., Entrepreneur

Beverly will help you SHINE! Beverly brings such luminosity to her readers, to her life, and to the planet. Don't miss this!
~ S.L., CEO

I’ve been reading your book on vacation and I love it!
~ K.K., Animal communicator & massage therapist

I got my copy today. It’s beautiful!
~ S.T.C., Energy Healer, Human Design Expert

I want to tell you that I’m having a better day today because of you. I managed to get today off from work and have a morning of peaceful solitude. I sat to meditate for a while and got some spaciousness into my head.
And then I picked up your book and read the “How to Use,” and picked a passage. 
The title of the passage didn’t seem directly related to my question. But when I read it, it was perfect. Tears came. A lot of old insights came together in a new cluster. And they were an answer to my prayer for the day.
Thanks again! This book is wonderful, and I will keep using it. ️
~ G.M., Master energy worker & massage therapist

Just beautiful and so uplifting. Thank you Beverly, for your inspiring gift to the world.
~ E.M., , Energy Worker

So amazing Beverly - I love seeing your wisdom getting out there!
So proud of you!
~ T.K., Coach

Beautiful work!
~ S.D., Entrepreneur

Congratulations! What an accomplishment!
~ C.G., Educator

A tool for daily self-reflection! I carry Luminous Infusions with me every morning to my daily routine of self-reflection. I love setting an intention then randomly opening the book. The images on the left page luminate and beautify my imagination. The text on the right page sparks my creativity. Today, I was lovingly surprised and inspired to "glow to grow." Who would have thunk!
P.J., Author & grant-writing expert

Great inspirations for living in joy and presence. This is a wonderful book to use to bring one back to gratitude and wonder. Open it up to any page for inspiration. I open it at random and take in the message and practice the inquiry. It’s a wonderful reminder for me that thoughts come and go, and I can choose happy and nurturing ones to honor myself. Thank you for this beautiful book. ~ D.C., Author, Artist, Poet

BEAUTIFUL cover and wonderful concept, Beverly! Congratulations!
~ N.K., Coach

~ an inspiring anthology

I am a co-author of this inspiring new anthology. Each chapter and author shares their unique personal journey of self discovery, empowerment, and wisdom to inspire YOU to Shine Your Brilliance more fully. It is truly a delicious read. 

My chapter title is Be Bold, Explore Your Super Powers. We all have special genius qualities, or super powers that may surprise us throughout our life journey. It is important to recognize, value them and share them with our world. 

Check it out on Amazon ~ LINK HERE