Free Meditation

Stream of Love Meditation - Relax and be deeply nourished as you surrender into this delicious energy stream of love. Guided by Beverly Brunelle, with intuitive live music by Timothy Surya Das, you will be transported to a magical spaciousness within ~ where peace, love and wisdom abide. One free listen & option to purchase.

Mandala Artist: Paul Huessenstamm

Paul Huessenstamm mandala art image

There is valuable information and experiences from our past, our ancestry and early development, that are currently influencing our identity, beliefs, behaviors and capacities to receive and give love. Our original unconscious commitment to living out these sacred secrets is often to keep us safe. But, it is a false safety because it is based on past circumstances and outdated beliefs.

During this energy clearing, you will gain insights on the skeletons you have been unknowingly leaning on to support you and reveal their origins. You will have the opportunity to set yourself and your ancestors free to new possibilities of authentic freedom.

The Inner Voice Magazine - A resource for raising consciousness, including Beverly’s monthly column.

Precious Origins - Beverly’s Hypnobirthing & Hypnotherapy website.