Intuition Development

“Bev is a pioneer and she is offering all her experience, wisdom and love to profoundly and directly support people becoming whatever their divine wants them to become!”

Explore how your intuition uniquely expresses.

Intuition is a complex composition of many subtle layers of awareness: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Whatever your current intuitive capacities, I will guide you through practices to clarify how you already are receiving intuitive impulses, and expand your capacities to deepen your inner connection, and to refine your subtle senses and awareness of your intuitive resources.

Intuition is a high-vibrational frequency that can assist you in accessing greater well-being, and an expanded sense of clarity and authentic power. As we grow into adulthood many outside voices guide and judge our way: family, teachers, society, culture, religion, etc. Over time these external voices become internalized, and we literally hear them inside of us, everywhere we go, and believe them to be true. This inner chatter of “should’s” and “ought to’s” can control our reality until we wake up to realize they are not our own authentic voice; they are, in fact, manipulating and consuming and confuse access to our innate wisdom, our authentic truth and expression.  

In sessions you will learn to relax into your body, to breathe and tune into your own presence. You will explore experiential practices to develop your abilities to discern feelings of your authentic “yes”, your authentic “no”, and your authentic truth. From this space true empowerment, authenticity and freedom of choice are born.

“Listening to my own story --past, present and future-- recounted by Beverly was a powerful experience. Using her keen ability to access the subtle energy field, she extracted key scenes from my past and narrated them as a tale that awakened vivid memories in me. That was fascinating! But even more important, Beverly brought those memories into present time, interpreting what they mean for my life today and how they are influencing my personal experiences and even my professional choices. That was awesome! Finally, she proceeded to take me into the future, weaving my whole story together. With a clear sense of trajectory and direction, I can now better see where I am coming from and where I am headed. Remembering how grace and destiny have gently guided all my journey lifetime after lifetime gives me a new bold confidence in who I am and what is mine to do NOW! Thank you, Beverly, from the bottom of my heart.”  ~ Dr. A., Author, Speaker

“Beverly’s presence, sensitivity and clairvoyance set the space for high energy to come in for clarity, safety and finally amazing experiences with the Divine. During our sessions I was able to feel and experience my divine connection - and whenever my mind or any blockade came up, she taught, encouraged and inspired me to see and feel my own and the divine truth. In this magic safe space that she created, I got to explore, to learn, to distinguish and finally to trust myself. It was more than just learning. The sessions were always a transforming experience that caused a beautiful difference in my every day life. Beverly's clairvoyance, visions and her loving, gentle and clear presence gave me support with whatever showed up. I perceived healing as well as rising consciousness, awareness and love in my life. Beverly is a pioneer and she is offering all her experience, wisdom and love to profoundly and directly support people becoming whatever their divine wants them to become! A magic, profound, deep, touching and joyful transformational experience. I say Thank You from the depth of my heart!” ~ B.G.