
I offer quantum energy work within an unconditionally accepting and nurturing space which enables clients to relax, explore, reveal and co-create deep transformation. All sessions are designed to create emotional resolution, integration, and deepened resonance with the creative current of life. Underlying energetic stimulants that are depleting, confusing, influencing and limiting perceptions are identified and cleared. Clients report feeling more aligned with their true essence and more accessible to receive creative solutions from their own inner wisdom. I teach my clients various practices to authentically empower, clarify and balance their energy - emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Specific services are available based on clients’ intentions.
Or, we can design custom sessions based upon your unique needs.


  • New Client First Session (90 minutes) $225

  • Ongoing Client Session (60 minutes) $175

  • 6 Ongoing Client Sessions (60 minute) Package $900


Heart of the Matter

These sessions facilitate deep meditation and psycho-spiritual processes to reveal the heart of the matter of your present day, personal issues of selflove, personal power and relationship. Each session elevates personal awareness and creates significant shifts in consciousness. You receive a new sense of inner calm, deep insights and greater clarity. Open to new viable possibilities for yourself, your relations and your world.


Birth & Early
Childhood Development

There are direct correlations between our experiences in the womb, our birth experience, early conditioning, and how we perceive and relate with ourselves, each other, our work and the world as adults. Intuitive quantum healing sessions reveal and heal, with great respect, the origins of this unconscious limiting conditioning. You may become freer to be present to self, present to life, present to what is, and more able to respond from your more current and easily accessible inner wisdom.


Land, Home &
Space Clearing

Beverly will clear your home, office, or property of limiting and interfering energies; aligning them energetically with your intended creative purposes and well being.


Ancestral Healing

Access and clear ancestral and other-dimensional limiting energies, conditioning and beliefs. Gain knowledge and wisdom of your journey and access choices for living your true essence. Align with your authentic creativity and power.

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Gain insight into relational patterns and what you, your partner, family members, etc. bring to the relationship. Clear limiting energetic influences and open to a new inner alignment of creative opportunities. Receive, give, and be the love you are truly wanting.

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Intuition Development

Explore how your intuition and innate wisdom express through you. Intuition is a composition of many subtle layers of body awareness: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. I will guide you through practices to deepen your inner connection, and help you to explore and refine your awareness of and sensitivity to your particular language
of intuition.

All sessions are designed to suit your unique needs and desires. Additional possibilities for focused sessions include:

  • Clarifying & Enlivening Your Creative Genius:
    What is your creative genius? What passionate visions want to come alive through your inspired actions? Become clear and in energetic alignment with what you truly desire to create in the world. Learn ongoing practices to access your inner knowing and guidance to support your creative genius flourishing.

  • Life Transition Support:
    Create deep healing and presence between you and your loved ones as you all move through the dying process.

  • ENERGY RX . . . Realignment with Your Divine Presence:
    Gather your energy and open to love, creative possibilities, and your own true knowing.

“Beverly, I want to thank you again for such a wonderful session. It has stayed with me and I am mindful of the angels by my side... Strong, powerful, supporting me, leading me, encouraging me to be my divine magnificent masculine self and keep spreading those wings.” ~ N.E.

“I am blessed that we found each other and look forward to going further in our process together.  With each moment, I am  becoming more what I hold in my vision.  You are a blessed gift for Divinity at the perfect time to bring fruition to my visions. Your guidance today was in absolute alignment with spirit. I am blessed with prosperity by knowing you.” ~ S.A.

“Beverly is a pioneer and she is offering all her experience, wisdom and love to profoundly and directly support people becoming whatever their divine wants them to become! A magic, profound, deep, touching and joyful transformational experience. I say thank you from the depth of my heart!”    B.G.